Useful Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Water Softener Up And Running


A water softener is an important device for homes with hard water but it needs maintenance like any other home appliance. As water is running constantly through the system, the lack of regular maintenance will result in the buildup of rust and other types of residue. You can contact a professional for the regular service and you can even take care of some regular checking yourself. With that being said, let's take a look at some useful maintenance tips for a water softener in San Antonio or anywhere else.

Check the system's salt level

Checking the salt level means you have to regularly check the amount of salt present in the brine tank of your water softener. The salt produces sodium ions that swap with magnesium and calcium ions to make the water soft. If the salt level is low, the water softener won't be able to perform at its best, and you'll end up with dry skin and sticky hair.

Clean the brine tank

Experts suggest that one must clean the brine tank of a water softener in San Antonio or anywhere else on a regular basis. Ignoring the brine tank and expecting the water softener to work effectively is not possible. The time according to which you should clean your brine tank depends on the level of iron sediment in the water. You can clean the brine tank yourself or contact an expert to do the same.

Get rid of salt bridges

A salt bridge is a layer of crust that builds up in the tank of your water softener that prevents the salt from dissolving in the water. As the salt doesn't get dissolved in the water, there will be no brine in the tank and it will lead to other issues. The resin will not regenerate properly and the water will not get softened. The salt that is being collected in your water softener in San Antonio TX or anywhere else can be easily broken down. However, you may have to call an expert if the problem becomes consistent.

Replace the resin

Resin is responsible for the ion exchange to take place so is a very important component of a water softener. Manufacturers design the resin to last long for at least 15 years that is the life of a water softener but high levels of iron and chlorine affect its life. If you observe that your water softener is consuming salt in normal amounts but producing low volumes of water, it is an indication that you have to replace the resin.

"Alpha Filtronics" provides high-quality water softeners and services in San Antonio. Since their inception in 2001, they've been providing a range of affordable products backed by reliable customer services and combined industry experience of six decades. Their expert technicians will provide any kind of water treatment service you need for your water softener. To know more about them and their services, visit  
